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Transportation Corridor Agencies November Board Meeting Highlights

241/91 Express Connector City of Anaheim and Utility Agreements

The Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency (F/ETCA) Board of Directors approved a Cooperative Agreement with the City of Anaheim for the 241/91 Express Connector Project to proceed with future project design requirements. The agreement includes the execution of a right-of-way acquisition and required certification for underground easement for an Express Connector bridge column.

The Board also approved a Utility Agreement with AT&T for future relocation of underground communication conduits within the project limits at the Gypsum Canyon Road interchange.

Approved execution of these agreements is required as a necessary milestone for future Caltrans approval of the 241/91 Express Connector project for construction advertisement.

Contracts Approved – Traffic Engineering Consulting and Engineering Design Services

  • 241 91 Aerial ViewA task order with Stantec Consulting Services was approved for $23,500 for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency (SJHTCA) fiscal year 2025 budget planning and ongoing analysis and $224,500 for the F/ETCA fiscal year 2025 budget planning, ongoing analysis, and planning for the 241/91 Express Connector Project. Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. was pre-qualified for on-call traffic engineering consulting services through a competitive request for statement of qualifications previous approved by the Boards of Directors in August 2020.
  • A contract amendment was approved in the amount of $1.39 million with HDR Engineering Inc. to provide final design services for the 241/91 Express Connector project. As the project moves forward in the design phase, further engineering effort is needed to accommodate the additional project approval requirements and to update design plans to current Caltrans standards. Interagency agreements are needed prior to the project’s final design approval.

First Quarter Budget Reports for Fiscal Year 2024:

Through the end of the first quarter of fiscal year 2024, the SJHTCA recorded net toll revenue of $40.3 million, an increase of 10.9 percent over the same period in the prior fiscal year. Transactions were higher as well, coming in at 7.9 percent compared to the same period the year prior.

The F/ETCA ended the first quarter of fiscal year 2024 with a net toll revenue of $49.5 million, an increase of 10.8 percent over the same period in the prior fiscal year. Transactions increased 7.8 percent in the year-over-year comparison.

Collectively, the Agencies processed over 24 million transactions in the first quarter of fiscal year 2024, an average of nearly 267,000 transactions each day.