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Transportation Corridor Agencies March Board Meeting Highlights

Seven-Year Strategic Plan Approved

The SJHTCA and F/ETCA Boards of Directors unanimously approved its first seven-year Strategic Plan. The Fiscal Year 2023 Strategic Plan highlights the Agencies’ mission, values, goals, objectives, and activities and serves as the roadmap for the Agencies’ activities – providing organizational direction for staff and clear communication to the public. The Plan is structured upon seven pillars: fiscal management, environmental stewardship, customer service, tolling technology, communications & public engagement, capital project delivery and regional mobility partnerships.

Highlights from these seven pillars include:

  • Delivery of over $500 million in capital projects and environmental investments by 2029 without any reliance or assistance from state or federal, or Measure M tax sources.
  • Early paydown of $600 million in debt, raising the combined interest savings for the Agencies to more than $1.4 billion.
  • Evaluation of the application of emerging technologies and service models to enhance safety, improve operations, and add value for customers, while also increasing cost-effectiveness.
  • Continued Investment in the tools needed to collect revenues and service customers.
  • Enhancing communications and interactions with the public to accurately convey TCA’s financial status, activities, and commitment to the community.

Saddle Club Preservation Property Site Use Plan and Mitigated Negative Declaration Approved

Saddle Club Site Location MapThe F/ETCA Board of Directors approved the Saddle Club Preservation Property Site Use Plans, Mitigated Negative Declaration and adopted the associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program as the lead agency pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act requirements.

The Saddle Club Preservation Property is a 32.73-acre site in Trabuco Canyon that will preserve the historical characteristics of the property, allow wildlife usage and focus on habitat conservation. Delivering on the Board’s adopted Strategic Plan, the project will also pilot a public recreation program for biking and hiking, as well as the Agency’s first urban farm, further encouraging joint stewardship with the community.

This project will add to the nearly 2,100 acres of protected lands over 17 sites that TCA actively oversees.

Boards Review 2022 State Legislative Watchlist

The SJHTCA and F/ETCA Boards of Directors were presented with the 2022 State Legislative Watchlist.

Each year, TCA develops a watch list that focuses on monitoring bills in Sacramento that could impact TCA and the entire industry. As legislation is introduced, TCA staff and state legislative advocates may advise formal support or oppose positions in the Agencies’ best interest and to ensure consistency with the current State Legislative Platform. Out of the nearly 2,300 bills in the California State Legislature, 34 have been identified for the 2022 State Legislative Watchlist.

The SJHTCA and F/ETCA Boards unanimously adopted an opposed unless amended position on AB 2594 (Ting) , authorizing the CEO to develop and transmit an oppose unless amended letter, with signatures from both chairs for AB 2594 (Ting).