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Get Moving Orange County Public Forum #3 Recap and Updates

Today, TCA released statistics and updates from the Third Get Moving Orange County Public Forum held on June 5th at Saddleback Community College in Mission Viejo. The forum brought together local transportation leaders, environmental stakeholders, and community members for panel discussions on TCA’s environmental lawsuit resolution and next steps for South Orange County traffic relief efforts.

At the forum, we had over 600 in-person participants, and over 3,100 online viewers through both our website and Facebook Live. Not only did we have large in-person and online participation, we also had many members of the public provide feedback to our court reporter and record public comments at our video recording booth.

Through these submissions, the TCA has been provided with valuable information in its efforts to reduce South Orange County traffic. For the past couple of weeks, we have been reviewing and cataloging over 553 questions, 443 written comments, 145 video comments, and 154 court reporter comments. A full list of both the in-person and online written questions and comments are posted below. In addition, we have posted scanned versions of the original comment and question cards. If you asked a question at the forum, or online, your question has been posted in a master list of public questions that have been categorized and color-coded based upon the following themes:

  • Environment
  • Formal Project Development Process
  • Beltway and Toll Road Ideas
  • Camp Pendleton
  • Transportation Planning and Projections
  • Public Outreach
  • General Questions

In the coming weeks, we will be posting a document with answers addressing each of these questions. Responses to each question will be emailed out to the email address provided, and video comments will be posted of those who provided authorization to post their comments online. However, for all video comments involving a minor or from those who did not provide an authorization, only a written transcription will be posted, rather than the video testimony. Those transcriptions are now being prepared and should be posted in a few weeks’ time.

Please note: The transcription will be redacted to conform to authorization restrictions and/or privacy laws, specifically including those directed to the protection of minors. Also, if your comments or questions included the use of profanity, inappropriate, and/or explicit language, we have redacted the offensive content from both the scanned and typed versions of your comment and/or question. In addition, to protect individual privacy, we have also redacted last names, emails, and phone numbers from each card submitted. If you do not see your question listed, please contact us

The goal of the TCA is to work together so we can identify a balanced solution for South Orange County’s worsening traffic crisis.

If you didn’t get a chance to attend the forum, but would like to watch our Livestream recording, please go to  There you will also be able to receive the latest updates regarding the Get Moving Orange County public forums.