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Transportation Corridor Agencies’ Employees Fulfill Holiday Wish Lists 
for Families in Need at Orange County’s Thomas House Shelter

For the 23rd year in a row, the Transportation Corridor Agencies’ (TCA) employees collected gifts for deserving families in need through its annual partnership with the Thomas House Family Shelter in Garden Grove. 

Thomas House Family Shelter is a transitional family housing shelter that provides necessary resources for homeless families with children to remain together while also empowering them to become independent and self-sufficient. 

“Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our employees, we were able to provide Christmas and holiday-season gifts to 68 men, women and children at the Thomas House Shelter, including children as young as two months old,” said Mike Kraman, TCA's CEO. “This is a season of giving and our staff looks forward to this annual holiday tradition of giving back to our community and those in need.”

Families living at the shelter during the holiday season fill out a “wish list” with items they hope to receive. Since 1996, when the 133 and 241 Toll Roads first opened to traffic, those wish lists have been posted in the TCA office for employees to view and choose from. Most of the 60 employees at TCA personally shopped, and wrapped gifts for the Thomas House families and all gifts were delivered to the shelter on December 18.

To learn more about the Thomas House Family Shelter, visit

Thomas House 2019
Transportation Corridor Agencies employees fulfill nearly 70 holiday wish lists for families in need at the Thomas House Shelter in Orange County. Photo courtesy of TCA.

The Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) are two joint powers authorities formed by the California legislature in 1986 to plan, finance, construct and operate Orange County’s public toll road system. Fifty-one miles of the system are complete, including the 73, 133, 241 and 261 Toll Roads. TCA continues to meet the region’s growing need for congestion-free transportation alternatives.