How do I pay tolls on The Toll Roads?
SCAM ALERT: The Toll Roads is advising drivers to disregard phishing texts being sent to their phones that detail a specific outstanding toll amount. If you receive a text and are unsure, The Toll Roads customers can verify valid text notifications by logging into their account. On the dashboard, scroll down to account security and click “Notification Verification” or use the direct link at The Toll Roads do not send text messages to non-accountholders.
Tolls incurred on The Toll Roads can be paid with or without an account.
FasTrak® Accountholders:
FasTrak accounts are pre-established accounts that can be used to pay tolls electronically on every tolled bridge, lane and road in California.
With a FasTrak account from The Toll Roads, there are multiple ways to pay:
- FasTrak Prepaid – Tolls are prepaid and eligible for a discount.
- FasTrak Charge – Tolls are charged individually to the credit card on file.
- FasTrak Invoice – Tolls are charged monthly via invoice.
No Account, No Problem. Tolls can be paid at or via The Toll Roads app within five days before or five days after driving The Toll Roads*.
*Due to processing times, it may take up to 48 hours for tolls to be processed and linked to your license plate number. If you drove The Toll Roads within the last 48 hours, you will need to check back for outstanding tolls.