Siphon Reservoir Mitigation Site
Siphon Reservoir is a former citrus grove that has been successfully restored to its natural habitat by the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency.
Quick Facts
Siphon Reservoir is a former citrus grove that has been successfully restored to its natural habitat by the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency (F/ETCA). F/ETCA acquired the Siphon Reservoir site in 1994 and began restoration work in 1997. Located northeast of Irvine, Siphon Reservoir is home to buckwheat, sage and other dense scrub that provide breeding habitat for the coastal California gnatcatcher.

Current Activities
Today, the site is resilient and self-sustaining.
Siphon Reservoir is home to several species of wildlife, including:
- Coastal California Gnatcatcher
- Coastal Cactus Wren
- Vaux's Swift
- Yellow-Breasted Chat
- Yellow Warbler
- Orange-Throated Whiptail
- Least Bell's Vireo