SR 73 Catalina View Improvements Project
The 73 Catalina View Improvements Project consists of using the existing median to provide one additional lane in each direction through the Catalina View Mainline Toll Point (resulting in four mainline lanes and one truck climbing lane) to make operational improvements on the 73 Toll Road leading up to the mainline toll point in each direction.
At a Glance
Traffic volumes continue to increase on the 73 Toll Road during the morning and afternoon peak periods near the Catalina View Mainline Toll Point, additional lanes are needed. The 73 Catalina View Improvement Project will add a fourth lane in each direction through the Catalina View Mainline Toll Point to make operational improvements from the 133 (Laguna Canyon Road) to Newport Coast Drive.
- Operational improvements to maintain free flow traffic movement
- Improved travel efficiencies and roadway enhancements
73 Catalina Improvements Project News