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Northbound 241 Channelizer Project

241 Channelizers
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In 2022, approximately 800 new vertical channelizer posts were installed on the northbound 241 Toll Road, beginning approximately 1.5 miles north of the Windy Ridge Mainline Toll Point to State Route (SR) 91. The project will assist and promote good driving habits, prevent queue-jumpers, enhance safety and assist traffic flow for motorists transitioning from the 241 Toll Road to SR 91.

There are four lanes on the northbound 241 Toll Road as drivers approach SR 91 — two lanes on the left merge onto the westbound SR 91 and two lanes on the right merge onto the eastbound SR 91.

With the majority of commuters traveling from Orange County to Riverside and San Bernardino counties in the afternoons, traffic congestion on SR 91 creates queuing on the northbound 241 Toll Road in the two right lanes, while traffic continues to flow in the two left lanes heading west to Anaheim and Yorba Linda. Adding to the bumper-to-bumper frustration are the queue jumpers — drivers who try to bypass the congestion by driving in the left two lanes only to cut-in at the last minute. These queue-jumpers create more congestion and safety concerns.

The channelizers are an initial step in easing traffic congestion in the area. TCA continues to work with Caltrans, the Orange County Transportation Authority and the Riverside County Transportation Commission on the 241/91 Express Connector Project — a proposed tolled connector between the 241 Toll Road and the 91 Express Lanes. The design phase of the connector is scheduled for completion by late 2022 with construction set to begin in 2023.